Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The Dangers of Embracing Victimhood

This post will explore the prevalent attitude of victimhood and how that affects people's outlook on life. I will also look at how this affects the emotional health of children. 

What is a victim? 
Webster defines a victim as someone killed in a religious rite; someone that dies from a disease or accident; or a person cheated, fooled, or injured. For our purposes here, I want to go with the politically correct definition. A victim represents a person that is not in control of his circumstances. Outside forces dictate the entirety of this person's existence. I included the Webster definition of a victim to show that progressives often play with the meaning of words. They very often water down the criteria for something such as victimhood to make it apply in a situation where it really does not. In doing so, they make all victimhood less relevant. What do I mean by this? We would all agree that a person that is murdered or injured deserves the title of victim. However, by using the word victim to describe someone that is merely suffering from their own bad choices because of the color of their skin or station in life, progressives give the impression that these people are victims of some amorphous societal evil. What does this do to the people that fall prey to these word plays. They develop a victim mentality. 

What is victim mentality?
A victim mentality involves believing that you have no control over your circumstances. You believe that the structure of society will never let you succeed no matter how hard you try. It is a defeatist attitude and greatly stifles a person's gumption and creativity. If you truly believe that hard word has no benefits, then you do not have a problem letting someone else take care of you. This attitude makes you believe the world owes you everything because the great amorphous society at large has caused you not to succeed. Your own lack of ambition does not matter. Everyone deserves an equal outcome.  

 How does victim mentality affect a person's life?
As I stated before a victim mentality negates ambition. Is ambition a good thing or a bad thing? Like so many other areas of life, ambition needs to be balanced with other character traits.  Too much ambition makes people greedy. Too little ambition makes people lazy. No ambition makes people useless. If a person truly believes that no amount of hard word will benefit them, why would any person put forth any effort? Whether we admit it or not, all people have a tendency to laziness. It comes naturally. Therefore, most of us will do just as much work as we deem necessary for survival. Those with a strong work ethic learned early in life that hard work pays off and makes survival more likely. What happens to people that do not learn this lesson early in life? They either learn it or they expect someone else to take care of them. Those that fall prey to a victim mentality fall into the latter category. However, this arrangement hardly ever leads to bounty. Most of the time, this arrangement leads to want and poverty. When able-bodied people expect other people to take care of them, those that have to do the work resent it. No one wants to work hard just to have someone else gain all the benefits unless those that do constitute that person's loved ones. We will work hard to provide for those that we love. If we have to work hard just to see it go to someone else while our loved ones suffer want, that breeds anger. Want to divide a nation? Making people work hard to provide for able-bodied people to sit on their butts and do nothing will soon cause either a civil war or a cessation of work. The hard workers will simply quit trying and only do what is absolutely necessary. This explains the failure of socialism more completely than any other explanation. When the hard workers quit, everyone suffers and falls into poverty. As Margaret Thatcher once said, "the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." 

It also stands that killing a strong work ethic leads to depression and despair. Living a life of purpose requires work. All the vacations and good times in the world soon wax cold when not balanced with a hard day's work. Something in a our DNA needs to accomplish tasks. It is the hard day's work that make the vacations sweeter. Like ambition, leisure needs to be balanced with work. Too little work in a person's life takes away a person's well-being. Therefore, a victim mentality robs a person of purpose and brings destruction to those that fall prey to it.  

 What does a victim mentality do to children's emotional health?
Now let us take this into the early childhood world. What does it do to children's emotional health to instill a victim mentality into them? Is it necessary to instill a strong work ethic into the young? This should be a no-brainer. Children that believe the world owes them everything constitute the most spoiled people on the planet. It used to be common knowledge that when a child works for what they have, they appreciate it more. How did our world become so upside down? It is long since time that early childhood professionals begin to understand the underlying agendas that make this world go round. Pushing a victim mentality makes a population more susceptible to embracing the tenets of socialism. If you do not think this is happening in our country, please open your eyes. When children are trained from a young age to think of themselves as victims, they can be easily brainwashed to think that socialism will bring utopia. Socialism never brings anything but dystopia. My generation knew that. The subsequent generations have been slowly brainwashed to believe that socialism is not so bad. Hard work matters greatly. One of the most important lessons you can teach the children in your care involves a solid work ethic. People that understand hard work will not fall prey to a victim mentality even if bad things happen to them. They pull themselves up by the bootstraps and do what is necessary to survive. A victim mentality sets children up for failure, poverty, and want. 

In conclusion, I want to touch on how VERY dangerous it is for children of color to be trained to be victims. In a nutshell, that is the new Jim Crow laws. When children of color are led to believe that no amount of hard work will pay off, you kill their work ethic. Basically, you are destroying all chance that these children will grow up to be creators and entrepreneurs. We do not want any population of people to be dependent on others for their sustenance. If you have ever been in that situation, you know that it is akin the slavery. It traps people in circumstances that are not necessarily good for them. That, people, is the definition of racism. 

I hope you have enjoyed this post.  Goodbye and God bless!!

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