Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Dangers of Fatherlessness

This post will look at the scourge of fatherlessness in our society and how that affects our children especially boys.  It will also look at how feminism and the push for gender neutrality in our society is absolutely reeking havoc on our social structures and foundations.

What do I mean by Fatherlessness
Of course, fatherlessness means the absence of a father/male role model figure in the lives of children.  We have seen an explosion of single mother households in the last half century as well as a nearly 50% divorce rate in this country.  These are horrible statistics that have had devastating consequences in our culture.  However, the worst part of these statistics is the glorification of new ways of defining family as if the traditional model of the family provides unsavory outcomes.  Over the centuries we have had single mother households due to death, divorce, and abandonment but we have only recently decided to celebrate that outcome as if it is to be desired more than the traditional household.  As in all things liberal, in trying to remove the stigmatization of single mothers they went WAY too far.  The liberals and feminists in our country during the 70s, 80s, and 90s wanted to help single mothers feel better about themselves since our divorce rates were skyrocketing.  They wanted to remove the guilt and shame of failing marriages.  What they should have done was to try to curb the rapidly rising divorce rates and undergird traditional marriages.  However, that would have meant that the sexual revolution of the 60s, 70s, and 80s had negative consequences and feminists would not/could not bring themselves to admit that.  I also believe that undergirding many of these progressive movements of the 20th century were people with communist/socialist leanings that had much bigger intentions.  They had ulterior motives for our social breakdown.  In the beginning most of the population did not see the harm in what they intended because they masked their true intentions behind flowery words and proposals.  Now, after nearly a century of their work, we reap the ugly truth of what they meant for us all along - the removal of God from our culture and the breakdown of our family units.  Every communist/socialist movement ever has had to truly remove those two foundational pillars of a society in order to force a revolt through uprising.  People we are almost there.

Toxic Masculinity and Feminism
Our culture has gone so far beyond the feminism of the 70s, it is almost unbelievable.  Most feminists from that time period wanted to empower women not remove men from society.  Now, we have what is called toxic masculinity.  All the traits that have previously been attributed to manhood now have the label toxic.  The feminists of today want domination and maybe even extermination of the traditional male role model.  That goes so far beyond trying to make single mothers feel better about themselves.  Now they would have you believe men are not even necessary.  Not only are they not necessary, all the traits that make a man a man have detrimental effects on society at large.  The patriarchal family should be removed from our societal consciousness according to the new feminism.  It is hard to even begin to unravel this lie from the pit of hell.  The first step to begin the unraveling is to attack the underlying ulterior motive.  The progressive movement hates the patriarchal family model because it represents God's model for the family and one of their longterm goals is the removal of God from society.  God's model must be destroyed at all costs.  Therefore, the traditional male role has to be undermined.  What better way to undermine it than label it as toxic.  However, that is not where it started and to completely fix the problem we must understand the roots.  The progression of our evolution along this path as a society goes as follows - women need empowerment, women can do everything a man can do, woman do not really need men, men are basically toxic.  This progression took decades to accomplish but the end goal of emasculating men has been underlying this movement from the very beginning.  To destroy God's model for the family, men must be either emasculated to the point they are no longer men or removed from the picture altogether.  People please do not be blind anymore.  The goal of political correctness is to remove God from our culture and to destroy the traditional family.  The collateral damage of such a movement can already be felt in this culture - an explosion of depression, despondency, drug addiction, violence, hate, chaos.  The only cure for what ails our culture is a relationship with our Creator.

Gender Neutrality
One thing that must be understood about political correctness is that what counts as politically correct now will not be good enough next year.  Once one boundary has been eliminated, the progressives will set their sights on the next boundary.  No current issue describes that process better than the gender neutrality issue.  Five years ago, you would have been laughed out of existence if you had said that the progressives would move on to destroying gender when at the time they were pushing homosexual rights.  They swore up and down that once they had marriage equality, they would be satisfied.  How dumb can we be?  Now we are told that gender is fluid and a matter of how one feels.  This is ridiculous.  People, biology tells us that we have two genders - male and female.  In order for there to be other "genders" requires chemicals and surgeries to undo natural biology.  No sane person can think that there will not be devastating consequences to trying to destroy gender.  Why are the progressives trying to destroy gender norms?  It all goes back to trying to remove God from our culture every single time.  God told us to be fruitful and multiply.  We cannot multiply unless we have normal males and females to do so.  The birthrates of first world countries has been declining for decades.  This new push will only compound that exponentially.  I will tell you that if you think gender neutrality will be where all this craziness stops then you are delusional.  Their next target will probably be pedophiles.  I already hear the rumblings of that in certain progressive circles.  Do not tell yourself that they would never go there.  Five years ago, we as a society could not imagine that gender would be fluid.

We need our men
People, we need our men to be men not some sissified version of a man.  God intended men to be the provider/protector of the family.  God hardwired a man's brain to function differently to fulfill those purposes.  God hardwired women to be the nurturers.  When we fight against God's design, we bring depression and despair on ourselves and our society.  The big discussion in our society now is why have some of our boys and men turned violent and homicidal.  Could it be the byproduct of labeling them toxic?  Could it be that we have tried to remove positive male role models from their lives and then expect them to turn out okay?  Can you honestly look at how the present generation is doing and say with a straight face that our experiment with fluid gender and redefinition of family is working out?  As a woman that has been both a stay-at-home mom and a working woman, I will tell you that being a "traditional" woman can be one of the most freeing experiences you will ever have.  When all I had to worry about was taking care of my home, life became so pure and simple.  It was hard work, mind you, but it lacked the stress of trying to run a business.  When I came under the leadership of my husband and let him be provider/protector, it freed me to be fully mother and wife.  Our society not only vilifies men but also stay-at-home mothers and wives like that role has no worth at all.  They could not be more wrong about a subject if they tried.  Traditional men and women roles provide the glue that holds society together.  Either we quit fighting that or accept that our society will continue to unravel as we continue to fight God's plans and purposes for our lives.

Now let us take this into the early childhood realm.  My first question to you is:  How do you treat the men/fathers in your realm of influence?  Do you treat them as imbeciles that have no idea how to do anything right?  Do you treat them as lumps of clay that are not really necessary?  Guess what, the boys in your sphere of influence are watching how you treat the men in your sphere of influence.  It is beyond important that you treat the fathers of the children you serve with as much respect as the mothers ESPECIALLY if there is a divorce situation.  That man needs to know that he is just as important in the life of that child as the mother.  My second question to you is:  Do you respect the wishes of the father when those wishes contradict your "training"?  You must remember the children in your care are not your children.  They do not belong to the state.  They belong to the parents.  You do not have the right to override those parents just because some leftwing progressive trainer has told you all about "best practices."  My last question to you is:  Are you promoting the progressive ideals of toxic masculinity and gender neutrality in your setting?  Sometimes we promote things in minor ways not realizing that our little bit in that direction gets multiplied when mixed with all the other influences of our culture.  We do not want to rock the boat and come under the wrath of the progressive left.  However, remember you will not answer for what the progressive left has done.  You will answer for what you have done.  Personally, I want no part of continuing our culture down this horrible path we find ourselves.  Someone has to have the backbone to stand up to these bullies and say enough is enough!!

I hope you have enjoyed this post.  Goodbye and God bless!! 