Friday, February 15, 2019

The Dangers of Knowledge without Wisdom

This post will be specific to Christian educators.  It will look at how dangerous it can be to have knowledge without the Godly wisdom necessary to apply that knowledge.  We will also look at knowledge that wisdom proves to be wrong and how to know the difference.

What is Knowledge?
Webster defines knowledge as something learned and kept in the mind. Other definitions include understanding gained by actual experience, range of information, and clear perception of truth.  In today's world, knowledge is gained through education for the most part.  Knowledge of skill can be acquired through experience but much of what we know has been taught to us.  Therefore, knowledge depends greatly on the voracity of the information conveyed.  One of my favorite quotes from President Ronald Reagan goes as follows:  "It is not that my liberal friends are ignorant, it is just that they know so much that is not so."  That completely sums up today's world.  The older I become, the more I see the truth in that quote.  So much of what we "know" simply does not match the reality of the matter.  The Bible tells us that knowledge puffs up.  Again, a truer statement could not be made.  People that believe themselves to be knowledgable often look down on those that they believe to not be as knowledgable.  Knowledge can only be as valuable as the source that produces it.  Therein lies the danger of knowledge.  Sometimes it is hard to know how reliable the source of the information proves to be.

What is Wisdom?
Webster defines wisdom as good sense.  It also has the definition of a wise attitude or course of action.  The world struggles with the concept of wisdom because the Bible defines it best.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  What does that mean?  When we understand that God is all and in all and through all and we have a healthful fear or respect for that, we understand wisdom.  Wisdom involves following God's way of doing things when all the world screams that you should not be doing that.  It is the deep understanding that the One that created the universe might have the inside tract on how things function and work.  When God is the foundation, everything else falls into its place.  Does the world have its own version of wisdom?  Yes but it is closer to knowledge than actual wisdom.  The first definition Webster gives for wisdom covers this concept which involves accumulated philosophic or scientific learning.  However, the voracity of the information accumulated absolutely affects the quality of the wisdom just like with knowledge.  Until you go to the Source of all things, you run the risk of building on the wrong foundation.

What happens when you have knowledge without wisdom?
As I stated in the section on knowledge, the Bible states that knowledge puffs up.  People that think themselves to be knowledgable also tend to be extremely arrogant.  Wise people tend to be humble.  How does this play out in the real world?  Knowledge without true wisdom breeds division and contempt for the "unknowledgable."  Knowledge paired with true wisdom breeds peace, joy, love, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, and self-control.  Recognize that list?  That is the fruit of the Spirit.  The reason for the difference has everything to do with the foundation.  I have talked extensively about bias and worldviews.  Those two concepts affect everything.  They determine the foundation and that absolutely determines outcomes.  When your knowledge has no basis in God's truth, you are building on sand.  Whether you realize it or not, you come off as arrogant and pushy.  You will look down on those that do not share your "knowledge" despite your best efforts not to do so.  Even religious people can be terribly guilty of this practice.  Ever heard of the Pharisees and Sadducees?  Knowledge for the sake of knowledge in any area produces these results.  Knowledge applied through wisdom produces good results for the person and for all the other people in their orbit.  Wisdom edifies others.

What happens when wisdom discredits your knowledge?
This has actually happened to me a lot lately.  I have always trusted what I have been taught except when it obviously contradicts the Word of God.  Here lately, I have come to understand that almost everything I have been taught has to be filtered through its biases.  I now question almost everything.  I do not take anything at face value anymore.  I have also done a lot more research to find the beginnings of certain movements throughout history and their objectives.  It really does matter.  The more that you know the more you understand that people have agendas.  Those agendas drive what passes as knowledge.  People used to not be so gullible.  They took new knowledge with a grain of salt and shelved it to compare it to other knowledge.  That is wisdom personified.  Do not take every bit of information to heart until you have filtered it through the Word of God and prayer.  God will show you if you are patient what is real and what is not.  He is the source of all knowledge.  Do not trust "smart" people just because they have all the degrees in the world.  You must know if what they have been taught comes from the Maker of the universe or the god of this world.  If the god of this world proves to be the source, run from it like your life depends on it.

How does this apply to early childhood?
I have written extensively on the basis of much of what passes for early childhood theory.  Most if not all of the "knowledge" taught in early childhood classes has a secular humanistic foundation.  This is a problem.  A great deal of it outright contradicts what the Word of God teaches.  As Christian educators you have a decision to make.  Do you trust these humanistic experts? Or do you trust the Maker of the universe that might just maybe know how children grow and develop?  What is the basis for your knowledge?  How much value do you place on Godly wisdom?

My fellow Christian educators, the time has come to lay our fears aside and STAND for what our God tells us.  We have cowered in fear and our society has paid an extremely heavy price for our cowardice.  Whether they know it or not, our presence provides blessings and our absence brings chaos.  If we do not stand, God does not bless us.  How many times in the Bible does our Father tell us to stand firm and having done all to stand.  Lay aside the knowledge that comes from the world and take up the wisdom of God without apology.  Only when our knowledge has been firmly grounded in the Word of God will we see the good results we all want for all children.

I hope you have enjoyed this post.  Goodbye and God bless!! 

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