This post will continue the discussion of cognitive development of 2 to 2 and 1/2 year olds focusing in on the components - Early Writing Behaviors and Skills and Auditory Discrimination. Remember I am taking my information from the Tennessee Early Learning Developmental Standards (TN-ELDS).
Before I get to the normal discussion, I want to discuss something very near and dear to my heart at the moment. Since I started this blog I have discussed in great length how I have seen a deterioration in cognitive development and language development. This deterioration baffled me and at first, I attributed to the lack of reading aloud to children. But now, I have seen something in my own granddaughters that I feel adequately answers the question of what has happened. My third granddaughter is showing all the signs I have discussed of language delay and cognitive delay. My fourth granddaughter is developing according to what I am accustomed to seeing from even when my own children were small. What is the difference? My fourth grandchild has not been vaccinated since her first round of shots. My third grandchild received her vaccinations through two years old. She will get no others. She has been vaccine-injured. We are convinced of this. The longer she goes without the vaccines the more she pulls up but she will lag behind for several more years. I used to be all about getting all of your vaccines, but I will not do that anymore. It changes you when it happens to one of your own. Now that I have started doing my own research, I am convinced that the chemicals and additives and the sheer volume of vaccines that they administer to children now fully answers the question of why our children have all of a sudden began to exhibit all of these cognitive and developmental problems. It does not matter to me if you believe me. Do your own research. Do it thoroughly. You may come to the same conclusion that I have.
Now to the usual business at hand. We will begin with the component - Early Writing Behaviors and Skills. The learning expectation is: Uses variety of writing tools to make scribbles. The performance indicator is: Holds tool in palm of hand using all fingers (palmar grasp) and scribbles. Most children this age actually conquer this performance indicator when allowed to scribble. The problem I have found is that many, many parents do not allow their children to scribble. They hand them an electronic toy of some sort instead because it is less messy. I have news for the parents of today. Children are messy. If you believe that you can alleviate all mess from childhood, then you are on the path to truly mess up your children in ways we probably cannot comprehend. All of the inconvenient messes have their purpose. Let the messes be and learn to live with a little mess and chaos. It is called childhood.
Now we will move on to the component - Auditory Discrimination. The first learning expectation is: Is aware of and can identify many sounds in the environment. The performance indicator for this one is: By 30 months, child stops activity to focus on interesting sounds around her (e.g., dogs barking, birds singing, and sounds of trains, planes, sirens, vacuums, etc.). Most children meet this performance indicator unless a hearing problem occurs. If a child does not meet this performance indicator, a hearing test should be administered by a professional.
Lastly, we will cover the learning expectation: Begins to distinguish between words with similar phonemes, such as pat and path. The performance indicator for this one is: Makes accurate distinctions between words that contain very similar-sounding phonemes, such as path-pass, hat-pat, bug-bud, map-nap, shot-shop. hit-hat. This performance indicator assumes a great deal of auditory language development that I have not seen in years from this age range. It has a been at least a decade since I have seen two year olds with enough language skill to discern between words this complex. I will refer you to my opening as to why I think these delays are happening, but what do we do? Reading to the children regularly still helps but I have seen even this to be limited to how much it can accomplice. Removing processed foods from their diet also helps. Our poor children have been inundated with chemicals. What have we done?
I hope you have enjoyed this post. Goodbye and God bless!!
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