Saturday, June 13, 2015

Relativism and the Concept of Choices

This post will look in more depth at the concept of choices in early childhood theory.  We will start with the concept of right and wrong versus social norms.  We will then move on to how social norms play out in society at large.  Finally we will look at the importance of obedience.

Right and Wrong vs. Social Norms
Whether you realize it or not, our society has moved from the concept of right and wrong toward social norms.  Instead of everything being cut and dry or black and white, everything has now become different shades of grey.  The lighter the grey the more "accepted" it is.  The darker the grey the more "misunderstood" it is.  The liberal population of this country want to take us away from set principles of right and wrong.  Why has this happened?  To be brutally honest, liberals do not want to answer to an all-powerful God and His ideas of right and wrong.  They want to do what is right in their own eyes.  What is wrong with that?  A hundred years ago most everyone could answer that question without using too much brain power.  However, since our society has gone down this path for several decades many people do not see the harm in that statement.  What is wrong with everyone doing what is right in their own eyes?  That brings me back to the Boston Marathon Bomber.  In his eyes killing infidels (Americans) was right.  However, what he did was not right in the eyes of anyone in Boston.  This brings us to social norms.  It is the liberal's answer to the conundrum of situations like the Boston Marathon Bomber.  However, the social norms do not necessarily follow the old traditional path of right and wrong.  Many, many behaviors and lifestyles that were once considered wrong have gained prominence in the idea of social norms.  AND if you dare to follow the old ideas of right and wrong and cross their social norms, you are the evil one not the other way around.  For those of us that still hold to the traditional view of right and wrong, it feels like our culture is upside down and backwards.  One of my favorite quotes that I see quite often on Facebook is this:  "Just because a majority says that something is right does not make it right."  A student of history would know this.  Need an example?  The Nazis of Germany were followed by the majority at least in the beginning.  As time went on, the people of Germany began to see the error of their way.  Maybe just maybe Americans will begin to open their eyes and understand the peril of the path they have chosen.

Social Norms and Political Correctness

Moving toward social norms also moves us toward choices over obedience.  In the social norms' mindset everything is a matter of choice.  Removing right and wrong makes the concept of obedience obsolete.  However, has anyone ever stopped to consider the logical conclusion to the path our society has chosen?  When you remove absolutes, everything from laws to customs becomes subject to the whims of the popular mindset of the day.  We already have this to some degree.  It is called political correctness, and more and more it becomes the law of the land.  Many people may not see the harm in political correctness, but as many people are sick to death of constantly doing and saying the wrong thing innocently because they have not gotten the memo on the latest correct thing to do and say.  It has now become politically incorrect to say "you guys."  I say that all the time.  Where does it end?  Where do we reach the point where we achieve absolute political correctness?  We will never reach the end because there will always be someone that wants to push it in a different direction.  Do we really want a society where everything is subject to the whims of the political correctness police?  It has already reached the point of ridiculous.  Personally, I am ready to send the political correctness police packing.  Without absolutes a society drifts from one crazy notion to the next crazy notion.  A society needs stability.  Whether you like them or not, a society needs absolutes.

The Importance of Obedience
Now let us take this into the early childhood realm.  Most of us in the early childhood world understand that children need structure.  However, when you move that structure over into the realm of boundaries many liberals cry "foul."  Can you have one without the other?  Can you provide structure for children and give them complete choice?  The answer to that question is a big NO.  I am sorry, but you cannot have it both ways.  If you want to have structure for children, boundaries must be in place.  To enforce boundaries, obedience is necessary.  Children will not choose of their own accord to be restricted.  It goes against their fallen nature.  The concept of choices in the early childhood world equates the concept of social norms and political correctness in the adult world.  It represents the removal of absolutes from the picture.  I am sorry if this upsets many in the early childhood realm, but the fact remains.  You cannot remove absolutes without creating chaos.  I have seen so many early childhood professionals following the theory of giving children choices thinking they were doing the most wonderful job in the world.  Usually, I leave those classrooms with my teeth chattering because it was utter and complete chaos.  I have been in other classrooms where boundaries were the norm.  Not only were the children well-behaved, but they were also light years ahead of the other classrooms academically.  Children thrive with boundaries in place.  They do not thrive in utter and complete chaos.  The evidence should be overwhelming, but some people are so dead set on removing absolutes that they do not allow themselves to see the true consequences.

I hope you have enjoyed this post.  Goodbye and God bless!!

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