Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Dangers of Building on the Wrong Foundation

This post will look at the importance of building your philosophies and worldview on the right foundation. This post is for Christian educators.

What Is Your Foundation?
Everyone in this world has a philosophical base upon which they screen all information they receive. Many people do this without even realizing that it happens. Do you know what your philosophical foundation is? Most people do not or think they have one foundation when in reality they have another. As Christian educators, most of us believe that we have a Biblical foundation or worldview, but do we? Many of us have let our education and training override our Christian values without knowing that it happened. Let me give you some self-reflection questions that will help you decide if you truly have a Biblical worldview. (1) Do you believe in the sin nature or do you believe that all people are born with a clean slate and learn sin behavior? (2) Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father or do you believe that there are many paths to the Father? (3) Do you believe in absolute standards of right and wrong or do you believe everything can be categorized into different shades of gray? (4) When the Bible and your training conflict, which one do you follow?  If you answered yes to any of the second parts of those questions, you do not have a true Biblical worldview. You have a mix of Biblical and humanistic worldviews. If you answered yes to all of the second parts of the previous questions, you do not have a Biblical worldview at all.

Why Does it Matter?
Some of you may have had to answer yes to the second half of some of those questions and now have started to take offense at me. However, I ask you to back up and reflect. As Christians we are called to be salt and light in this world. If the world cannot tell the difference between us and the rest of the world, we fail at this job. Being a Christian involves more than just church attendance and/or trying to be "good." If we do not follow His word, we are not following Him. Do we really think that is okay? I know how much our "training" skews from God's perspective and quite a bit of the time outright contradicts what the Word of God teaches. The time has come for us to stand up and tell these "trainers" enough is enough. As Christian early childhood educators we have been entrusted with our most precious resource at the time when they are the most impressionable. God will hold us to higher standards. He does not take lightly when we cause these little ones to stumble. He will not accept our excuses over what the culture demands. He called us to come out of them and be separate. It matters greatly to our Father in Heaven how we conduct ourselves as early childhood educators. Make sure you understand where your foundation lies and make double sure that you build upon the Rock and not the sinking sand of the world around us.

How Do You Fix a Faulty Foundation?
What do you do if you realize that you have not been building on the Rock? Number one, you have to know what the Word of God says. Reading your Bible should be the daily habit of every Christian. A carpenter knows his tools before he lays a foundation. A Christian must knows his "tools" before trying to lay a foundation for life. Number two, you have to make a conscious choice to do what the Word of God says. Reading the Bible everyday is worthless if it goes in one ear and out the other. The foundation does not magically build itself. It takes effort and sacrifice. Number three, you have to filter through your beliefs and make sure they line up with the Word of God. This represents probably the most painful part of this process. It takes humility and a teachable spirit to admit you have swallowed lies. It takes courage to stand up to those lies and change. However, knowing that you live your life in the center of His will cannot be equaled.

The purpose of this post is not to make you feel bad and then leave you. I wrote this post to challenge you to question everything you have been taught and filter it through the Word of God. The time has come for the church of God to take a stand and push back on all the nonsense we have shoved down our throats. The time has come for us to trust God to take care of us, show us His way of doing our jobs, and let Him take care of the fallout. We need to affect the culture not the other way around. Be His hands and feet in the early childhood world. Do not be afraid to toss aside many of our "best practices" because they are lies of the evil one. Be strong and courageous in the time that God has put you.

I hope you have enjoyed this post. Goodbye and God bless!!!