Thursday, October 11, 2018

The Dangers of Political Correctness

This post will look at how political correctness has permeated every aspect of our culture and the consequences and outcomes that has in the early childhood field.

What is Political Correctness?
Political correctness could be defined as socially acceptable responses developed on social norms for challenging and divisive topics.  I would say that is how the left defines it.  The right defines political correctness as a propaganda technique to shut down debate on topics decided by the left with rules defined by the left.  I tend to go with the right's definition.  I say that because what was politically correct a decade ago sends the left into hysterics now.  Political correctness is constantly evolving to take our society further and further to the left.  The right has no say in what is politically correct at all.  It is defined in the universities, which are completely dominated by progressive thought.  In fact, I am convinced that they have classes to constantly redefine what constitutes political correct thought.  For example, I went to my daughter's graduation at the University of Chicago a few years ago and made the mistake of calling people from east Asia Oriental.  I got a long lecture on how that term derides people of that area and conjures up ideas of colonialism.  You see, all things that have anything to do with Western Civilization are evil to the core.  They must be eradicated from our existence at all costs.  White people of European descent have ruined the world and must be punished for their crimes.  This, people, is political correctness in a nutshell.  I fear that Asian people may also fall into the crosshairs of the progressives as well because they tend to dominate in intellectual circles.  It is all about the crab bucket.  When one race or people tries to crawl out and make a better life, the rest of the crabs pull them back down.  That is the best picture of progressivism I can give you.  

Why was Political Correctness Developed?
Political Correctness had its beginning in the 1990s on college campuses as a way to push social norms over moral norms.  What is the difference?  Social norms can evolve with the changing views of a society.  Moral norms are based on right and wrong which has stood the test of time.  Most of the time moral norms are based on absolutes such as the Bible.  Progressives of the 1990s wanted to do away with some moral norms in which they did not agree such as traditional marriage, traditional male and female roles, and most anything having to do with sexuality.  This was the sexual revolution of the 1960s and 1970s on steroids.  Then they decided that all things having to do with Western Civilization were evil and had to not only be eradicated but had to be punitively treated.  We were given diversity as the greatest god of all time as if just having a diverse group of people made everything perfect and good with unicorns flying around with rainbows in their hair.  Multiculturalism was pushed on us, but now what was multiculturalism in the 1990s is not good enough for the progressive of today.  They want everyone to revert back to tribalism and demand exact equal treatment for all regardless of any effort on the part of the people involved.  It is socialism pure and simple.  It never stops.  We will never reach perfection of political correctness because as soon as we reach one goal, the next group begins to demand their equal treatment.  A decade ago we would never have thought that transgender rights would be pushed on us like it is.  Guess what is next?  Pedophiles.  If you do not believe me, make a note of this and revisit it in 10 years.  Pedophilia is accepted in certain cultures around the world including some Muslim countries.  We are already completely afraid of saying anything bad about Muslims because of political correctness.  It does not take a rocket scientist to see where this is going.

What is the Big Deal?
If you have ever crossed the PC police either purposely or innocently, you know the answer to that question.  Never in all of your life will you be called every name in the book so quickly as when you dare not to tow the party line on every single facet of this one.  If you do not believe me, ask Susan Collins, the senator from Maine.  She has worked all of her career to advance women's issues but as soon as she decided to have a mind of her own and go against the mob, she had to hire a security detail.  Another case would be Kanye West.  He has been derided and racially slurred for daring to be black and not progressive.  (The same sin as Clarence Thomas.)  One side of an argument cannot dictate the whole of the conversation.  How many classical liberals now find themselves on the wrong side of the politically correct mob?  They keep changing the rules.  As I said, what was once accepted is no longer accepted and if you do not keep up with it daily, you can make an innocent mistake that puts you on the wrong side of the mob.  And they are a mob.  Make no mistake about it.  Dissension is not allowed.  You must agree with them or you have to shut up and sit down.  Hillary Clinton just told us that they do not have to be civil to people that disagree with them until they get their way.  I do not know about you but that is not the type of society I want to live in any longer.

How does this all relate to the early childhood world?  No other field in academia except maybe psychology has a more progressive/liberal bias than early childhood.  Political correctness holds sway without much push back at all.  Have you ever tried to cross the liberal bias in this field?  I have and it is very ugly.  Only two allegations in this society get the "guilty until proven innocent" treatment.  One is sexual assault and the other is child abuse.  I was falsely accused of child abuse.  Another provider I know had her son falsely accused of sexual assault.  They do not even beat around the bush either.  They go straight to completely destroy without any ifs, ands, or buts.  Proving your innocence takes years to accomplish and you never really get your reputation back.  That is why they do it.  They do not allow dissent.  Political correctness is a cancer that is eating our society alive from the inside out.  For the first time in a long time I actually have hope that the sleeping giant will wake up and throw off the shackles that the progressives have placed on us for years.  As I said, I do not want to live in a society that has constantly shifting norms.  I refuse to tow the party line.  Who is with me?

I hope you have enjoyed this post.  Goodbye and God bless!!