This post will continue the discussion of the area of learning - Science. We will start with the component - Earth and Space Science and then move on to the component - Physical Science. Remember I am taking my information from the Tennessee Early Learning Development Standards (TN-ELDS).
The first three learning expectations - Recognizes the concept of day and night; Recognizes daily weather conditions; and Recognizes that time and temperature can be measured with a clock and thermometer - all have the same performance indicator: Continues to asks questions about the natural world and seeks answers through active exploration. This performance indicator makes an assumption that does not really match reality. That assumption is that all children ask questions. In today's society, that does not happen nearly as often as it should. Many children have their nose buried in screens and have no concept of the world that they live in. Therefore, the greatest gift you can give children is to take away those screens and push them out the door. Children that play outdoors have a great understanding of day and night and weather conditions because it has become part of their experience. The next gift that adults can give children involves conversations. When adults talk to children about time and clocks and temperature and thermometers, those children have a foundational knowledge of those concepts. When adults' noses are buried in screens, their children never get this experience. Bottom line - LIMIT screen time for both of you.
The next learning expectation is: Recognizes a variety of earth materials by their observable properties (rocks, sand, dirt). The performance indicator for this one is: Begins to use senses and a variety of tools and simple measuring devices to gather information, investigate materials and observe processes and relationships. The only way today's four year olds conquer this one is if some adult models these behaviors. If they are in a program or home where they get to experiment with simple tools and measuring devices, this will happen. If they are not, this will not happen. Science instruction for today's children suffers horribly because they are not allowed much if any free time outside. Children used to create simple tools and such when they were pushed out the door and made to entertain themselves. Now we have killed that with trying to keep them constantly entertained. There is much to be said about the value of a bored child.
The last learning expectation for Earth and Space Science is: Classifies materials by their elements. The performance indicator for this one is: Develops increasing abilities to classify, compare and contrast objects, events, and experiences. Wow, this one does not even come up on a lot of children's radars. Again, this is due to a lack of free time outside. Free outside play does more to encourage science development in children than any other activity. To compensate for that lack takes hours of direct instruction. Maybe one day we as a society will understand that in our pursuit of the perfect childhood we have destroyed childhood. Let those children be bored and have to entertain themselves out in the great outdoors for hours. Centuries of children survived it and thrived because of it.
Now we will move on to the component - Physical Science. The first learning expectation is: Recognizes the basic concept that forces can move objects. The performance indicator for this one is: Begins to participate in simple investigations to test observations, discuss and draw conclusions and form generalizations. Oh wow! People, you do realize that science instruction in our country has gone to pot not only in the early childhood years but also in the early elementary years. A lot of this has to do with the lack of outdoor play. However, another factor also comes into play. Many of the early childhood and early elementary teachers are dealing with so many immature and emotionally underdeveloped children that a great deal of their time is spent on dealing with behavioral problems instead of instruction. I go into classrooms all the time and what I see distresses me sometimes. They try. They just run out of time trying to cover the basics. This is especially true in the inner city schools. However, the rural schools actually have a leg up on this one. Want to know why? Those kids play outside and/or do chores outside. Both playing outside and doing chores go a long way to correct A LOT of the behavior problems in children. Therefore, those rural schools have more time for instruction. Those children also have more foundation for the teachers to build upon.
I hope you have enjoyed this post. Goodbye and God bless!!