Friday, October 20, 2017

Cognitive Development for 4 to 5 year olds - Math (Part 3) and Science (Part 1)

This post will continue the discussion for the component - Spatial Sense and Geometry and move on to the component - Problem Solving and Analyzing Data.  We will then move on the area of learning - Science and cover the component - Life Science.  Remember that I am taking my information from the Tennessee Early Learning Developmental Standards (TN-ELDS).

We will start with the learning expectation - Explores and recognizes the size, shape, and spatial arrangement of real objects.  The performance indicator for this one is - Identifies and labels several shapes (e.g., circle, square, triangle, rectangle).  Most children in this age range will conquer this one before their fifth birthday with minimal instruction.  Some children will still confuse squares and rectangles on occasion, but that is normal.  However, if you expect the children to learn this through only exploration, you will be sadly disappointed.  Learning the names of objects requires at least a little direct teacher or adult instruction.  That should be obvious.

Now we will move on to the component - Problem Solving and Analyzing Data.  The learning expectation for this one is:  Begins to develop foundation for linking concepts and procedures with active experiences.  The performance indicator is:  Demonstrates increasing interest and awareness of numbers and counting as a means for solving problems and determining quantity.  Ten years ago children may have conquered this one much easier than they do today.  Today's children have WAY too much done for them, and it is destroying their ability to problem solve and compute on even a basic level.  We as a society believe that parents should take care of everything for their children and we are ruining them.  I have noticed in the schools where I read my books that children in rural areas tend to have more problem solving and natural math ability than children in urban areas.  What is the difference?  Children in rural areas are not waited on hand and foot for the most part.  Children in urban areas are either protected every single moment of their lives or institutionalized every single moment of their life depending on their income level.  This has nearly completely destroyed children's self-sufficiency which is vital to the attainment of this performance indicator.  In order to counter this phenomenon, direct instruction in quantifying and problem solving has become necessary.  Whereas, children in times past picked this up from everyday experiences, you cannot count on that in today's world. 

We are now ready for the area of learning - Science.  The first component is - Life Science - with the first learning expectation:  Recognizes that living things are made up of parts.  The performance indicator for this one is:  Begins to make comparisons among living things such as flowers, insects and animals.  With the decline of outdoor play, children do not get proper science exposure especially life science exposure without deliberate lesson planning.  If four year olds are exposed to real flowers, insects, and animals, they will start to notice differences between the various types of each.  If they are not exposed to real flowers, insects, and animals, they might pick it up from books.  However, that is not a given.  If the children are not even exposed to these concepts in books, they will not come close to conquering this performance indicator.

The next learning expectation is:  Recognizes that people use their 5 senses to explore their environment.  The performance indicator for this one is:  Expands knowledge of and abilities to observe, describe, and discuss the natural world, materials, living things and natural processes.  One word in that performance indicator knocks out nearly half of four year olds, and that word is observe.  Natural curiosity among children has taken a huge hit in the last decade, and it only grows worse with every passing year.  Too many children have developed the habits of their adult counterparts and stick their noses in a phone or other electronic device a large portion of their time.  A child cannot observe the world with their nose in an electronic device.  Period.  Now we look at the rest of that performance indicator.  I have talked extensively about the problems with language development in this country.  Those language delays affect everything including and maybe especially science.  You must have the language capabilities in order to describe and discuss.  Many four year olds do not have that capability.  The cause is linked to the same problems as the observing but it also involves a lot of other detrimental habits of our culture.  In order to help children conquer this performance indicator, you will have to give them opportunities to experience the natural world AND you will have to talk and talk and talk about what the children are experiencing to give them the language foundation to be able to describe and discuss.

The last learning expectation for this component is:  Recognizes that living things live in different environments.  The performance indicator is:  Expands knowledge of and respect for her body and environment.  Expanding knowledge requires that knowledge be presented to the child.  Unfortunately, very few programs and the early elementary grades in schools have the time and energy to really present good science knowledge to children.  I have actually seen some improvement in some of the schools I frequent but early childhood programs too often are overwhelmed with dealing with emotional issues and discipline problems to cover science in a meaningful way.  I do not fault them.  Our culture at large seems to be going to pieces around us, and it falls on us to try to put the pieces back together, and teach the children everything they need to know to be successful in school.  Sometimes there are just not enough hours in a day to accomplish that no matter how hard we try.  All we can do is give it the best we have and try to give them as many quality experiences with their world as we can.

I hope you have enjoyed this post.  Goodbye and God bless!!